• +94 71 830 9929 | +94 777 221 570 | +94 71 958 5725
  • info@riverpalace.lk

Welcome to our Hotel

Our rooms are laid out in small clusters that afford privacy for couples, and convenience for families or small groups wishing to stay near one another.

Double Room

We have five Double Rooms.

Additional Bed Free.

Room Service
Wi-fi Service
Hot Water & Attach Bathroom
Tea Make
Book Now $30/Night

Duluxe Triple Room

We have Two Duluxe Triple Rooms.

Additional Bed Free.

Room Service
Wi-fi Service
Hot Water & Attach Bathroom
Tea Make
Book Now $40/Night

An Finder for all your Needs

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Hotel Find for Wedding

Hotel Find for Wedding

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15 % Off Today

For Weekend Getaways

For Weekend Getaways

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SPA Center

SPA Center

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20 % Off Today